I have bought and sold too many LP Studios to list. It is really only the Pro model and Elite models, with the sustainer that were higher in that line. Ibanez, ESP and these Fernandes guitars all come out of Japan and are obviously top of the line.

I have used a ton of Gibson Les Paul Studios and this guitar is every bit as good, if not better. It has a 5a maple carved top, over a solid mahogany body, with I believe, a set mahogany neck, with a rosewood fingerboard. They are superb guitars and are a 1000 times better than an Mexican made Fender.

The guitar is a Japanese made Dragonfly Deluxe, with a Gotoh tune-o-matic bridge, grover machine heads and two Seymour Duncan pickups, a SH5 in the bridge and 59 in the neck.